BeWo vs. Klappir

Klappir is a manual sustainability management platform, that aims to prepare companies for complying with existing sustainability and ESG regulations. They follow a collaborative and manual approach for data collection, offering various different ways for importing data. In contrast, BeWo is a fully automized platform that uses ERP integrations and AI technology to streamline the ESG reporting process and make carbon accounting as effortless as possible.

Don’t waste time on manual processes - use BeWo’s automated real-time CO2 engine to ensure easy, effective and accurate CO2 reporting for your company.

What are the differences between BeWo and Klappir?

Core functionalities

What is the main focus of these tools?

Klappir is a platform that focuses on helping companies comply with sustainability regulations. Their software helps manage, analyze, and share ESG data with stakeholders.

BeWo optmizes the process of carbon accounting with a fully automized, AI-powered solution. The platform offers real-time analytics and data, allowing you to quickly and efficiently see your carbon footprint through detailed reporting.

Target audience

Who can use BeWo’s and Klappirs services?

Klappir targets companies of all sizes who aim to comply with existing ESG regulations.

BeWo helps businesses of any size that are focused on sustainability and environmental responsibility looking to automate their processes, and has an ERP system such as Business Central, e-conomic, D365 F&O and so forth.

Integration capabilities

Are there any additional integrations?

Klappir’s platform does not integrate with ERP systems. Their data collection is based on collaboration across the supply chain with API recording, surveys, manual import of activity data, or pre-calculated emission data.

BeWo’s platform uses integrations that connect your ERP systemsl to your BeWo account and allow for a fully automized data collection, calculation and analyzation process.

User experience

How easy is it to use?

Klappir aims to make their collaborative approach to sustainability reporting more user-friendly, by providing suppliers with access to their customer’s accounts, and storing the data in a cloud..

BeWo provides you with an intuitive and user-friendly platform that automates the complex process of CO2 emission data collection, calculation and analyzation.

Analytics and reporting

What kind of reporting functions do they offer?

Klappir presents the ESG data, such as emission scopes 1, 2, and 3 on a comprehensive dashboard.

BeWo’s dashboard is customizable, thus can be tailored to your specific needs and provides detailed analysis on CO2 emissions. This not only allows for tracking your company’s carbon footprint, but also frees up your time so you can focus more on reduction strategies and less on the actually data calculation process.

Compliance and regulatory features

Do the reports and analyzed data comply with European regulations?

Klappir help their customer’s be compliant with ESG regulations.

BeWo helps you to be compliant with environmental regulations, providing an essential tool for reporting CO2 emissions and meeting environmental standards such as the EU CSRD. With BeWo you ensure you live up to ESRS E1’s requirements.

Implementation and support

Is there a support center?

Klappir offers support to customers who have purchased a Subscription to the Software Services.

BeWo offers dedicated support to their partners and also offers a vast online documentation and e-learning space where you can find everything you need to get started.

BeWo vs. Klappir side-by-side comparison

Discover all the advantages of using BeWo to calculate your carbon footprint compared to Klappir.



Key features

AI-Driven emissions calculations
Scope 1, 2 & 3 Reporting
Unlimited number of Locations
Unlimited number of Users


Automatic CO2 classification
AI document reading
Supplier-based calculation
Activity-based (incl. EPDs) calculation
Spend-based calculation


Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard
ESRS E1 Compliance


Customizable dashboard
Real-time visualization
Custom KPIs

ERP integrations

Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O
Soon -
Microsoft Business Central
Soon -
Possibility for manual updload

Three differences between
BeWo & Klappir


Automized data collection
through ERP integrations

BeWo’s integrations present a significant advantage for customers. By integrating with widely used ERP systems, BeWo automizes the data collection and import process, saving users a significant amount of time compared to manual import approaches.

However, the platform still offers manual upload for the case of external data sources.

In contrast, Klappir, uses multiple different import methods such as supplier’s upload, stakeholder surveys, or manual upload of emission data, that require manual work from either suppliers or the company itself.


emission calculation

BeWo utilizes AI to categorize data into scopes and categories, match them with the appropriate emission factors, and convert them into emissions.

This technology is well trained, thanks to numerous training data and customer cases, and saves the customer all manual conversion work.

Klappir on the other hand collaborates with customers to find an individual calculation approach, still relying on manual work.


Wide partner

After automatically collecting and calculating emission data, BeWo’s platform also automates data presentation on a default dashboard.

Additionally, users can also customize their data presentation by adding dashboards, graphs and figures, and adjusting their display of reporting time frame or emission category according to their individual needs.

Klappir also presents sustainability data on a comprehensible dashboard, that is based on the input data. However, the platform allows for little customizability.

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